Bohemians FC Waterford

Founded 1941

Co. Waterford

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Club Development Monthly Draw

Why do we need a development plan?

Currently our facilities are not adequate to cater for our growing membership. We have insufficient parking spaces and the existing playing, training and changing room facilities cannot properly accommodate the more than 550 players which we currently cater for.

What development is needed?

We have identified five stages of development required: a full size 3G Astro pitch, expansion of the current training facilities, improved carparking, extra dressing rooms, a club gym and finally additional grounds. Through this development we can more effectively provide the boys and girls in our club with better opportunities to reach their potential both on and off the playing field. By providing a modern, safe environment for all our members we will enhance our objectives of nurturing their talents, supporting good physical & mental wellbeing, and helping them form lasting friendships within and outside of our club.

How can this be achieved?
We will continue to rely on the generous support of our sponsors, funding from various sport capital grants and various other fund-raising activities. However, these resources alone will not be enough and so we are asking for your help. We are hoping you can join us on that journey by supporting our monthly club development draw.

For €120 per year, you will be entered into 12 monthly draws with cash prizes of €500 per month on offer.
Thank you for your support and the best of luck in the draws!



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